Slight Change of Plan...

In the evening of January 24, 2025, the Trump Administration's Department of Transportation issued an amendment to the Notice of Funding Opportunity that changed the name of the grant that the City is pursuing from RAISE to Better Utilizing Investments to Leverage Development (BUILD) and substantially changed the program goals and objectives, definitions, a number of merit criteria, and the funding amount for this grant. These changes relate to President Trump's executive order regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion topics.

City staff discovered these changes on Tuesday, January 28th, as they were finishing the grant application and preparing it for submission. After discovering the changes, staff quickly went to work to update the grant application to fit the new grant program's merit criteria. Staff worked through most of the evening on the 28th and throughout the day on the 29th to complete the revised grant application.

Ultimately, the planning project to study and design for transportation improvements in South Hastings does not change.

Here is a memo sent to the City Administrator and Council about the revised grant application.

The City appreciates the support and input on the grant application from the community.

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